Why Ashling O’Brien, Dublin Chairperson of Atheist Ireland, is voting yes for Marriage Equality

Why Ashling O’Brien, Dublin Chairperson of Atheist Ireland, is voting yes for Marriage Equality.

Why Ashling O’Brien, Dublin Chairperson of Atheist Ireland, is voting yes for Marriage Equality

3 thoughts on “Why Ashling O’Brien, Dublin Chairperson of Atheist Ireland, is voting yes for Marriage Equality

  1. It seems like such a simple answer to anyone with rational thought. It is suprising still that there is such push back against marriage equality. Its as if homophobia is one of the last strongholds for discrimination by a majority of people.

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    Sex: The Illustrated History

    Sex: The Illustrated History
    John R. Gregg is an historian, a writer, researcher, educator, and traveler. He has had a lifelong fascination f…

    Sex, The Illustrated History, Through Time, Religion, and Culture. Volume one includes, The Ancient World, Early Europe to the Renaissance and Islam. It is a daring exploration of human sexuality from the ancient to the modern world. Revealed are sexual practices and beliefs previously omitted or obscured from all historical telling. In a scathing condemnation of religion and its control of sex, the book explores complex relationships between spirituality and sexuality. The supremacy of the mother goddess throughout most of human existence, and her relatively recent fall, is detailed in both word and image. The power of Woman and her treatment explored in depth. These pages share graphic erotic artworks and explicit literary excerpts from throughout the world, painstakingly culled from the hidden treasure trove of cultures throughout history. Sex, The Illustrated History, traces sexual attitudes from the transcendent to the bizarre throughout the worlds’ cultures. The usually explicit illustrations are linked by historical and anthropological content, inviting the reader to experience sexuality through varied and often shocking cultural lenses. Each volume contains over 250 erotically themed images that have been gathered by the author, in his travels and studies of world cultures. An encyclopedic tour of the sexuality of humankind! The book explores in depth human bisexuality. Illustrations explore every level of human sexuality.
    Book website with and pages : Sex, the Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture
    Youtube: https://youtu.be/JFS5d45jMBw
    Sex, the Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture

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